Post inside this category will show up on the front page
As part of our ongoing commitment to e-safety, we are sharing a useful website that provides detailed information about a popular app called “Talkie AI.”
The website we are recommending includes the app’s age rating, potential risks, and other important details to help you make informed decisions about its use. You can access the resource via this link – Is Talkie AI Safe? A Talkie App Review for Parents | Bark
We encourage you to review this information and check your children’s devices.
Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We have 4 unclaimed raffle prizes which have now been redrawn. Winning tickets are as follow:
Blue 301 – 305
Blue 451 – 455
Yellow 96 – 100
Blue 66 – 70
Please bring your tickets to the school office to claim your prize.
Over 95% of pharmacies in England now provide the NHS Pharmacy First service which supports people in certain age groups who need help with:
▪ Earache (aged 1 to 17 years) ▪ Impetigo (aged 1 year and over) |
▪ Infected insect bites (aged 1 year and over) ▪ Shingles (aged 18 years and over) ▪ Sinusitis (aged 12 years and over) ▪ Sore throats (aged 5 years and over)▪ Urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women (aged 16 to 64 years) |
If your child or you have symptoms that suggest you may have one of these conditions, you can walk into a pharmacy and be offered a consultation with a pharmacist in a private consultation room. Your GP surgery can also refer people to a pharmacy for the service.
Pharmacists will provide advice and, if clinically necessary, offer an NHS medicine to treat the condition (these medicines are supplied free of charge to children under 16 years, with the normal NHS prescription charge rules applying to people aged 16 or over). They will then send an electronic message to the GP surgery, so they can update their patient records.
Should the pharmacist be unable to help, you will be directed to your GP surgery or other health professional as appropriate.
If your child or you have symptoms that suggest one of the above conditions, why not give the Pharmacy First service a try?
Watch the animation on Pharmacy First Here
For more information, visit nhs.uk/thinkpharmacyfirst
Further to the letter sent out last week I can confirm the following tickets have been drawn as winners of our Christmas Raffle. Please bring your winning ticket to the school office to claim your prize by 3.15pm on Wednesday 18th December. Any prizes that have not been claimed by this time will automatically be redrawn on Thursday 19th December.
Please note prizes will not be handed out if you cannot produce your ticket.
Pink 446 – 450
Yellow 186 – 190
Blue 41 – 45
Blue 251 – 255
Yellow 251 – 255
Pink 486 – 490
Pink 476 – 480
Yellow 176 – 180
Blue 161 – 165
Pink 466 – 470
Blue 486 – 490
Yellow 191 – 195
Yellow 376 – 380
Blue 106 – 110
Yellow 466 – 470
Thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets at our tree lighting even on Friday. Our raffle winners are:
Connor H
Harlow O
Aria H
David M
Brodie W
Maddison H
Please come to the school office to collect your prize!